Always Do The Right Thing

Written by Scott Eller CASL CEO
A few years ago, a coworker asked me about loyalty; she wanted to know who she should be loyal to. I thought loyalty was an easy concept, so I was confused by her question. After I collected my thoughts, I told her that loyalty at CASL is not towards a director or “boss.” The question of loyalty at CASL is not about who we are loyal to but what. I told her that CASL’s foundation was serving people and providing them with a clean, safe, affordable home with excellent services. By doing this and constantly seeking new opportunities to improve, we show our loyalty to CASL’s mission. At this point in the conversation, she said my response had now confused her. We both laughed, and I said that loyalty at CASL is towards our mission, so our loyalty should be to those we serve and to provide them the help they need. I told her that if she kept her focus on the mission, she would align with our loyalty at CASL, as my loyalty and devotion are to CASL’s mission.
I felt compelled to expand on this and shared with her that, at times, I purposely share an idea for something that I do not necessarily support or believe in. This is what I call the “yes man” test. I explained that expressing disagreements respectfully is a good thing. Disagreements lead to a deeper discussion, where ideas can be created and shared, seeking out innovative opportunities. This is a great way to practice honesty and integrity. If we truly are loyal to CASL’s mission, we will professionally and respectfully challenge each other to improve on our model, thus making people’s lives better. CASL’s slogan is “Transforming Lives.” This cannot be accomplished unless we collectively have an unwavering commitment to doing the right thing in every action we take and every decision we make, regardless of who is or is not looking. Everyone must also understand that when we make a mistake or try something that does not work, it is okay. I repeat: It. Is. Okay. Mistakes are an opportunity for growth. In an interview with Thomas Edison, after he and his team invented the lightbulb, he was asked how many times they failed. His response was, “We did not fail. We learned 2,500 ways it would not work.” No question is a stupid question, and every discussion is an opportunity for growth or a new perspective. This cannot be accomplished unless we exercise our core value of Always Do The Right Thing.
“A leader’s job is to look into the future and see the organization, not as it is, but as it should be” – Jack Welch.