Renaissance Manor

Renaissance Manor, located in central Sarasota, is staffed 24/7 with highly skilled professionals to help residents take control of their physical and mental health. The Manor provides a safe, permanent environment with appropriate care to manage clients’ mental illness. Unfortunately, individuals with a mental health/personality disorder are at a much greater risk of homelessness if not cared for in a suitable environment. CASL serves adults with neurological disorders, mood or personality disorders, dually diagnosed, and other mental health needs. Affective disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, and substance abuse disorders are among the most common types of mental illness in the homeless population.
CASL promotes the independence of its residents and seeks to provide the least restrictive environment possible while meeting the needs for support. Renaissance Manor has three overarching goals for all clients:
- Obtain and remain in permanent housing
- Achieve self-determination
- Increase life skills, income, and overall quality of life
All clients in assisted living have a Case Manager. All clients have a thorough assessment, and an individualized service plan is developed with each resident based on the initial assessment.
Most clients will remain at Renaissance Manor as their permanent housing. However, some clients may transition to supported living housing options through CASL’s other programs or external opportunities.
A full array of services are provided, including meals and snacks, activities, housekeeping, laundry services, supervision of self-administered medications, and assistance as needed with hygiene and similar needs.
The spacious landscaped grounds offer areas for walking, gardening, and relaxation. Comfortable furnished areas inside provide space for visiting family, friends, and outside professional support.